Saturday 8 February 2014

xBRZ in Java

xBRZ is a graphics upscaling routine which adopts the "scale by rules" approach, rather than the more traditional "filtered scaling" approach. This works best for pixel art, because the edges of objects remain sharp, rather than becoming blurry.

The original xBRZ routine was written in C/C++ and here I have converted it to Java. The reason for doing this was for a personal project I was working on. I wanted to have a lot of graphics, that don't take up too much space, but still look good and sharp. Also, drawing pixel graphics is easiest for me, so in all, this seemed like the best solution. And who knows, maybe one day I'll convert this to C# as well. (Unless someone beats me to it.) Converting from Java to C# should be trivial, actually. The most fun might come from making specific optimisations.

Converting from C/C++ to Java was a little tricky. The original source code used a lot of static templating, in order to let the compiler do a lot of the heavy work, mostly regarding pixel block rotations. In the Java version I have kept much of that computational work to within static constructors, so that work is done at program start up, which is a good compromise.

Overall, it's not as performant as the original C/C++ of course, but hey what do you expect... Java isn't regarded as a high performance language anyway. The original code can be found at the following link, along with the license, which this Java conversion is also under.

 | xBRZ: "Scale by rules" - high quality image upscaling filter by Zenju |
 using a modified approach of xBR:
 - new rule set preserving small image features
 - support multithreading
 - support 64 bit architectures
 - support processing image slices

 -> map source (srcWidth * srcHeight) to target (scale * width x scale * height)
 image, optionally processing a half-open slice of rows [yFirst, yLast) only
 -> color format: ARGB (BGRA char order), alpha channel unused
 -> support for source/target pitch in chars!
 -> if your emulator changes only a few image slices during each cycle
 (e.g. Dosbox) then there's no need to run xBRZ on the complete image:
 Just make sure you enlarge the source image slice by 2 rows on top and
 2 on bottom (this is the additional range the xBRZ algorithm is using
 during analysis)
 Caveat: If there are multiple changed slices, make sure they do not overlap
 after adding these additional rows in order to avoid a memory race condition 
 if you are using multiple threads for processing each enlarged slice!

 THREAD-SAFETY: - parts of the same image may be scaled by multiple threads
 as long as the [yFirst, yLast) ranges do not overlap!
 - there is a minor inefficiency for the first row of a slice, so avoid
 processing single rows only

 Converted to Java 7 by Intrepidis. It would have been nice to use
 Java 8 lambdas, but Java 7 is more ubiquitous at the time of writing,
 so this code uses anonymous local classes instead.
 Regarding multithreading, each thread should have its own instance
 of the xBRZ class.

public class xBRZ {
 public final void scaleImage(
  final ScaleSize scaleSize,
  final int[] src,
  final int[] trg,
  final int srcWidth,
  final int srcHeight,
  final ScalerCfg cfg,
  int yFirst,
  int yLast
 ) {
  this.scaleSize = scaleSize;
  this.cfg = cfg;
  scaleImage(src, trg, srcWidth, srcHeight, yFirst, yLast);

 public enum ScaleSize {

  public ScaleSize(final Scaler scaler) {
   this.scaler = scaler;
   this.size = scaler.scale();

  public static final ScaleSize cast(final int ordinal) {
   final int ord1 = Math.max(ordinal, 0);
   final int ord2 = Math.min(ord1, values().length - 1);
   return values()[ord2];

  private final Scaler scaler;
  public final int size;

 public static class ScalerCfg {
  // These are the default values:
  public double luminanceWeight = 1;
  public double equalColorTolerance = 30;
  public double dominantDirectionThreshold = 3.6;
  public double steepDirectionThreshold = 2.2;

 private ScalerCfg cfg;
 private ScaleSize scaleSize;
 private OutputMatrix outputMatrix;
 private final BlendResult blendResult = new BlendResult();

 private static final int redMask = 0xff0000;
 private static final int greenMask = 0x00ff00;
 private static final int blueMask = 0x0000ff;

 private static final void alphaBlend(
  final int n,
  final int m,
  final IntPtr dstPtr,
  final int col
 ) {
  assert n < 256 : "possible overflow of (col & redMask) * N";
  assert m < 256 : "possible overflow of (col & redMask) * N + (dst & redMask) * (M - N)";
  assert 0 < n && n < m : "0 < N && N < M";
  //this works because 8 upper bits are free
  final int dst = dstPtr.get();
  final int redComponent = blendComponent(redMask, n, m, dst, col);
  final int greenComponent = blendComponent(greenMask, n, m, dst, col);
  final int blueComponent = blendComponent(blueMask, n, m, dst, col);
  final int blend = (redComponent | greenComponent | blueComponent);
  dstPtr.set(blend | 0xff000000);

 private static int blendComponent(
  final int mask,
  final int n,
  final int m,
  final int inPixel,
  final int setPixel
 ) {
  final int inChan = inPixel & mask;
  final int setChan = setPixel & mask;
  final int blend = setChan * n + inChan * (m - n);
  final int component = mask & (blend / m);
  return component;

 //fill block with the given color
 private static final void fillBlock(
  final int[] trg,
  int trgi,
  final int pitch,
  final int col,
  final int blockSize
 ) {
  for (int y = 0; y < blockSize; ++y, trgi += pitch)
   for (int x = 0; x < blockSize; ++x)
    trg[trgi + x] = col;

 private static final double square(final double value) {
  return value * value;

 private static final double distYCbCr(
  final int pix1,
  final int pix2,
  final double lumaWeight
 ) {
  //YCbCr conversion is a matrix multiplication => take advantage of linearity by subtracting first!
  final int r_diff = ((pix1 & redMask) - (pix2 & redMask)) >> 16; //we may delay division by 255 to after matrix multiplication
  final int g_diff = ((pix1 & greenMask) - (pix2 & greenMask)) >> 8; //
  final int b_diff = (pix1 & blueMask) - (pix2 & blueMask); //subtraction for int is noticeable faster than for double

  final double k_b = 0.0722; //ITU-R BT.709 conversion
  final double k_r = 0.2126; //
  final double k_g = 1 - k_b - k_r;

  final double scale_b = 0.5 / (1 - k_b);
  final double scale_r = 0.5 / (1 - k_r);

  final double y = k_r * r_diff + k_g * g_diff + k_b * b_diff; //[!], analog YCbCr!
  final double c_b = scale_b * (b_diff - y);
  final double c_r = scale_r * (r_diff - y);

  // Skip division by 255.
  // Also skip square root here by pre-squaring the
  // config option equalColorTolerance.
  //return Math.sqrt(square(lumaWeight * y) + square(c_b) + square(c_r));
  return square(lumaWeight * y) + square(c_b) + square(c_r);

// private static final double distNonLinearRGB(
//  final int pix1,
//  final int pix2
// ) {
//  //non-linear rgb:
//  final double r_diff = ((pix1 & redMask) - (pix2 & redMask)) >> 16; //we may delay division by 255 to after matrix multiplication
//  final double g_diff = ((pix1 & greenMask) - (pix2 & greenMask)) >> 8; //
//  final double b_diff = (pix1 & blueMask) - (pix2 & blueMask); //subtraction for int is noticeable faster than for double
//  final double r_avg = (double)(((pix1 & redMask) + (pix2 & redMask)) >> 16) / 2;
//  return ((2 + r_avg / 255) * square(r_diff) + 4 * square(g_diff) + (2 + (255 - r_avg) / 255) * square(b_diff));
// }

 private static final double colorDist(
  final int pix1,
  final int pix2,
  final double luminanceWeight
 ) {
  if (pix1 == pix2)
   return 0;

//  return distNonLinearRGB(pix1, pix2);
  return distYCbCr(pix1, pix2, luminanceWeight);

 private enum BlendType {;
  // These blend types must fit into 2 bits.
  public static final char BLEND_NONE = 0; //do not blend
  public static final char BLEND_NORMAL = 1;//a normal indication to blend
  public static final char BLEND_DOMINANT = 2; //a strong indication to blend

 private static final class BlendResult {
  public char f;
  public char g;
  public char j;
  public char k;

  public final void reset() {
   f = g = j = k = 0;

 private static final class Kernel_3x3 {
  public final int[] _ = new int[3 * 3];

 private static final class Kernel_4x4 {
  public int a,b,c,d;
  public int e,f,g,h;
  public int i,j,k,l;
  public int m,n,o,p;

  input kernel area naming convention:
  | A | B | C | D |
  | E | F | G | H | //evalute the four corners between F, G, J, K
  ----|---|---|---| //input pixel is at position F
  | I | J | K | L |
  | M | N | O | P |

 private IColorDist preProcessCorners_colorDist;

 //detect blend direction
 private final void preProcessCorners(final Kernel_4x4 ker) {

  if ((ker.f == ker.g && ker.j == ker.k)
   || (ker.f == ker.j && ker.g == ker.k))

  final IColorDist dist = preProcessCorners_colorDist;

  final int weight = 4;
  final double jg = dist._(ker.i, ker.f) + dist._(ker.f, ker.c) + dist._(ker.n, ker.k) + dist._(ker.k, ker.h) + weight * dist._(ker.j, ker.g);
  final double fk = dist._(ker.e, ker.j) + dist._(ker.j, ker.o) + dist._(ker.b, ker.g) + dist._(ker.g, ker.l) + weight * dist._(ker.f, ker.k);

  if (jg < fk) {
   final boolean dominantGradient = cfg.dominantDirectionThreshold * jg < fk;
   if (ker.f != ker.g && ker.f != ker.j)
    blendResult.f = dominantGradient ? BlendType.BLEND_DOMINANT : BlendType.BLEND_NORMAL;

   if (ker.k != ker.j && ker.k != ker.g)
    blendResult.k = dominantGradient ? BlendType.BLEND_DOMINANT : BlendType.BLEND_NORMAL;
  } else if (fk < jg) {
   final boolean dominantGradient = cfg.dominantDirectionThreshold * fk < jg;
   if (ker.j != ker.f && ker.j != ker.k)
    blendResult.j = dominantGradient ? BlendType.BLEND_DOMINANT : BlendType.BLEND_NORMAL;

   if (ker.g != ker.f && ker.g != ker.k)
    blendResult.g = dominantGradient ? BlendType.BLEND_DOMINANT : BlendType.BLEND_NORMAL;

 private enum Rot {;
  // Cache the 4 rotations of the 9 positions, a to i.
  public static int[] _ = new int[9 * 4];

  static {
   final int 
    a=0, b=1, c=2,
    d=3, e=4, f=5,
    g=6, h=7, i=8;

   final int[] deg0 = new int[] {
    g,h,i };

   final int[] deg90 = new int[] {
    i,f,c };

   final int[] deg180 = new int[] {
    c,b,a };

   final int[] deg270 = new int[] {
    a,d,g };

   final int[][] rotation = new int[][] {
    deg0, deg90, deg180, deg270

   for (int rotDeg = 0; rotDeg < 4; rotDeg++)
    for (int x = 0; x < 9; x++)
     _[(x << 2) + rotDeg] = rotation[rotDeg][x];

 private IColorEq scalePixel_colorEq;
 private IColorDist scalePixel_colorDist;

  input kernel area naming convention:
  | A | B | C |
  | D | E | F | //input pixel is at position E
  | G | H | I |
 private final void scalePixel(
  final Scaler scaler,
  final int rotDeg,
  final Kernel_3x3 ker,
  final int[] trg,
  final int trgi,
  final int trgWidth,
  final char blendInfo //result of preprocessing all four corners of pixel "e"
 ) {
  //final int a = ker._[Rot._[(0 << 2) + rotDeg]];
  final int b = ker._[Rot._[(1 << 2) + rotDeg]];
  final int c = ker._[Rot._[(2 << 2) + rotDeg]];
  final int d = ker._[Rot._[(3 << 2) + rotDeg]];
  final int e = ker._[Rot._[(4 << 2) + rotDeg]];
  final int f = ker._[Rot._[(5 << 2) + rotDeg]];
  final int g = ker._[Rot._[(6 << 2) + rotDeg]];
  final int h = ker._[Rot._[(7 << 2) + rotDeg]];
  final int i = ker._[Rot._[(8 << 2) + rotDeg]];

  final char blend = BlendInfo.rotate(blendInfo, rotDeg);

  if (BlendInfo.getBottomR(blend) == BlendType.BLEND_NONE)

  final IColorEq eq = scalePixel_colorEq;
  final IColorDist dist = scalePixel_colorDist;

  boolean doLineBlend;

  if (BlendInfo.getBottomR(blend) >= BlendType.BLEND_DOMINANT)
   doLineBlend = true;

  //make sure there is no second blending in an adjacent
  //rotation for this pixel: handles insular pixels, mario eyes
  //but support double-blending for 90� corners
  else if (BlendInfo.getTopR(blend) != BlendType.BLEND_NONE && !eq._(e, g))
   doLineBlend = false;

  else if (BlendInfo.getBottomL(blend) != BlendType.BLEND_NONE && !eq._(e, c))
   doLineBlend = false;

  //no full blending for L-shapes; blend corner only (handles "mario mushroom eyes")
  else if (eq._(g, h) && eq._(h, i) && eq._(i, f) && eq._(f, c) && !eq._(e, i))
   doLineBlend = false;

   doLineBlend = true;

  //choose most similar color
  final int px = dist._(e, f) <= dist._(e, h) ? f : h;

  final OutputMatrix out = outputMatrix;
  out.move(rotDeg, trgi);

  if (!doLineBlend) {
   scaler.blendCorner(px, out);

  //test sample: 70% of values max(fg, hc) / min(fg, hc)
  //are between 1.1 and 3.7 with median being 1.9
  final double fg = dist._(f, g);
  final double hc = dist._(h, c);

  final boolean haveShallowLine = cfg.steepDirectionThreshold * fg <= hc && e != g && d != g;
  final boolean haveSteepLine = cfg.steepDirectionThreshold * hc <= fg && e != c && b != c;

  if (haveShallowLine) {
   if (haveSteepLine)
    scaler.blendLineSteepAndShallow(px, out);
    scaler.blendLineShallow(px, out);
  } else {
   if (haveSteepLine)
    scaler.blendLineSteep(px, out);
    scaler.blendLineDiagonal(px, out);

 //scaler policy: see "Scaler2x" reference implementation
 private final void scaleImage(
  final int[] src,
  final int[] trg,
  final int srcWidth,
  final int srcHeight,
  int yFirst,
  int yLast
 ) {
  yFirst = Math.max(yFirst, 0);
  yLast = Math.min(yLast, srcHeight);

  if (yFirst >= yLast || srcWidth <= 0)

  final int trgWidth = srcWidth * scaleSize.size;

  //temporary buffer for "on the fly preprocessing"
  final char[] preProcBuffer = new char[srcWidth];

  final Kernel_4x4 ker4 = new Kernel_4x4();

  preProcessCorners_colorDist = new IColorDist() {
   public double _(final int col1, final int col2) {
    return colorDist(col1, col2, cfg.luminanceWeight);

  //initialize preprocessing buffer for first row:
  //detect upper left and right corner blending
  //this cannot be optimized for adjacent processing
  //stripes; we must not allow for a memory race condition!
  if (yFirst > 0) {
   final int y = yFirst - 1;

   final int s_m1 = srcWidth * Math.max(y - 1, 0);
   final int s_0 = srcWidth * y; //center line
   final int s_p1 = srcWidth * Math.min(y + 1, srcHeight - 1);
   final int s_p2 = srcWidth * Math.min(y + 2, srcHeight - 1);

   for (int x = 0; x < srcWidth; ++x) {
    final int x_m1 = Math.max(x - 1, 0);
    final int x_p1 = Math.min(x + 1, srcWidth - 1);
    final int x_p2 = Math.min(x + 2, srcWidth - 1);

    //read sequentially from memory as far as possible
    ker4.a = src[s_m1 + x_m1];
    ker4.b = src[s_m1 + x];
    ker4.c = src[s_m1 + x_p1];
    ker4.d = src[s_m1 + x_p2];

    ker4.e = src[s_0 + x_m1];
    ker4.f = src[s_0 + x];
    ker4.g = src[s_0 + x_p1];
    ker4.h = src[s_0 + x_p2];

    ker4.i = src[s_p1 + x_m1];
    ker4.j = src[s_p1 + x];
    ker4.k = src[s_p1 + x_p1];
    ker4.l = src[s_p1 + x_p2];

    ker4.m = src[s_p2 + x_m1];
    ker4.n = src[s_p2 + x];
    ker4.o = src[s_p2 + x_p1];
    ker4.p = src[s_p2 + x_p2];

    preProcessCorners(ker4); // writes to blendResult
     preprocessing blend result:
     | F | G | //evalute corner between F, G, J, K
     ----|---| //input pixel is at position F
     | J | K |
    preProcBuffer[x] =
     BlendInfo.setTopR(preProcBuffer[x], blendResult.j);

    if (x + 1 < srcWidth)
     preProcBuffer[x + 1] =
      BlendInfo.setTopL(preProcBuffer[x + 1], blendResult.k);

  final double eqColorThres = square(cfg.equalColorTolerance);

  scalePixel_colorEq = new IColorEq() {
   public boolean _(final int col1, final int col2) {
    return colorDist(col1, col2, cfg.luminanceWeight)
     < eqColorThres;

  scalePixel_colorDist = new IColorDist() {
   public double _(final int col1, final int col2) {
    return colorDist(col1, col2, cfg.luminanceWeight);

  outputMatrix = new OutputMatrix(scaleSize.size, trg, trgWidth);

  char blend_xy = 0;
  char blend_xy1 = 0;

  final Kernel_3x3 ker3 = new Kernel_3x3();

  for (int y = yFirst; y < yLast; ++y) {
   //consider MT "striped" access
   int trgi = scaleSize.size * y * trgWidth;

   final int s_m1 = srcWidth * Math.max(y - 1, 0);
   final int s_0 = srcWidth * y; //center line
   final int s_p1 = srcWidth * Math.min(y + 1, srcHeight - 1);
   final int s_p2 = srcWidth * Math.min(y + 2, srcHeight - 1);

   blend_xy1 = 0; //corner blending for current (x, y + 1) position

   for (int x = 0; x < srcWidth; ++x, trgi += scaleSize.size) {
    final int x_m1 = Math.max(x - 1, 0);
    final int x_p1 = Math.min(x + 1, srcWidth - 1);
    final int x_p2 = Math.min(x + 2, srcWidth - 1);

    //evaluate the four corners on bottom-right of current pixel
    //blend_xy for current (x, y) position
     //read sequentially from memory as far as possible
     ker4.a = src[s_m1 + x_m1];
     ker4.b = src[s_m1 + x];
     ker4.c = src[s_m1 + x_p1];
     ker4.d = src[s_m1 + x_p2];

     ker4.e = src[s_0 + x_m1];
     ker4.f = src[s_0 + x];
     ker4.g = src[s_0 + x_p1];
     ker4.h = src[s_0 + x_p2];

     ker4.i = src[s_p1 + x_m1];
     ker4.j = src[s_p1 + x];
     ker4.k = src[s_p1 + x_p1];
     ker4.l = src[s_p1 + x_p2];

     ker4.m = src[s_p2 + x_m1];
     ker4.n = src[s_p2 + x];
     ker4.o = src[s_p2 + x_p1];
     ker4.p = src[s_p2 + x_p2];

     preProcessCorners(ker4); // writes to blendResult

      preprocessing blend result:
      | F | G | //evaluate corner between F, G, J, K
      ----|---| //current input pixel is at position F
      | J | K |

     //all four corners of (x, y) have been determined at
     //this point due to processing sequence!
     blend_xy =
      preProcBuffer[x], blendResult.f);

     //set 2nd known corner for (x, y + 1)
     blend_xy1 = BlendInfo.setTopR(blend_xy1, blendResult.j);
     //store on current buffer position for use on next row
     preProcBuffer[x] = blend_xy1;

     //set 1st known corner for (x + 1, y + 1) and
     //buffer for use on next column
     blend_xy1 = BlendInfo.setTopL((char)0, blendResult.k);

     if (x + 1 < srcWidth)
     //set 3rd known corner for (x + 1, y)
      preProcBuffer[x + 1] =
       preProcBuffer[x + 1], blendResult.g);

    //fill block of size scale * scale with the given color
//  //place *after* preprocessing step, to not overwrite the
//  //results while processing the the last pixel!
    fillBlock(trg, trgi, trgWidth, src[s_0 + x], scaleSize.size);

    //blend four corners of current pixel
    if (blend_xy == 0)

    final int a=0, b=1, c=2, d=3, e=4, f=5, g=6, h=7, i=8;

    //read sequentially from memory as far as possible
    ker3._[a] = src[s_m1 + x_m1];
    ker3._[b] = src[s_m1 + x];
    ker3._[c] = src[s_m1 + x_p1];

    ker3._[d] = src[s_0 + x_m1];
    ker3._[e] = src[s_0 + x];
    ker3._[f] = src[s_0 + x_p1];

    ker3._[g] = src[s_p1 + x_m1];
    ker3._[h] = src[s_p1 + x];
    ker3._[i] = src[s_p1 + x_p1];

    scalePixel(scaleSize.scaler, RotationDegree.ROT_0, ker3, trg, trgi, trgWidth, blend_xy);
    scalePixel(scaleSize.scaler, RotationDegree.ROT_90, ker3, trg, trgi, trgWidth, blend_xy);
    scalePixel(scaleSize.scaler, RotationDegree.ROT_180, ker3, trg, trgi, trgWidth, blend_xy);
    scalePixel(scaleSize.scaler, RotationDegree.ROT_270, ker3, trg, trgi, trgWidth, blend_xy);

 private interface IColorEq {
  public boolean _(int col1, int col2);

 private interface IColorDist {
  public double _(int col1, int col2);

 private enum BlendInfo {;
  public static final char getTopL(final char b) { return (char)((b) & 0x3); }
  public static final char getTopR(final char b) { return (char)((b >> 2) & 0x3); }
  public static final char getBottomR(final char b) { return (char)((b >> 4) & 0x3); }
  public static final char getBottomL(final char b) { return (char)((b >> 6) & 0x3); }

  public static final char setTopL(final char b, final char bt) { return (char)(b | bt); }
  public static final char setTopR(final char b, final char bt) { return (char)(b | (bt << 2)); }
  public static final char setBottomR(final char b, final char bt) { return (char)(b | (bt << 4)); }
  public static final char setBottomL(final char b, final char bt) { return (char)(b | (bt << 6)); }

  public static final char rotate(
   final char b,
   final int rotDeg
  ) {
   assert rotDeg >= 0 && rotDeg < 4 : "RotationDegree enum does not have type: " + rotDeg;

   final int l = rotDeg << 1;
   final int r = 8 - l;

   return (char)(b << l | b >> r);

 private enum RotationDegree {;
  public static final int ROT_0 = 0;
  public static final int ROT_90 = 1;
  public static final int ROT_180 = 2;
  public static final int ROT_270 = 3;

 private static final int maxRots = 4; // Number of 90 degree rotations
 private static final int maxScale = 5; // Highest possible scale
 private static final int maxScaleSq = maxScale * maxScale;
 private static final IntPair[] matrixRotation;

 //calculate input matrix coordinates after rotation at program startup
 static {
  matrixRotation = new IntPair[(maxScale - 1) * maxScaleSq * maxRots];
  for (int n = 2; n < maxScale + 1; n++)
   for (int r = 0; r < maxRots; r++) {
    final int nr = (n - 2) * (maxRots * maxScaleSq) + r * maxScaleSq;
    for (int i = 0; i < maxScale; i++)
     for (int j = 0; j < maxScale; j++)
      matrixRotation[nr + i * maxScale + j] =
       buildMatrixRotation(r, i, j, n);

 private static final IntPair buildMatrixRotation(
  final int rotDeg,
  final int I,
  final int J,
  final int N
 ) {
  final int I_old, J_old;

  if (rotDeg == 0) {
   I_old = I;
   J_old = J;

  } else {
   //old coordinates before rotation!
   final IntPair old = buildMatrixRotation(rotDeg - 1, I, J, N);
   I_old = N - 1 - old.J;
   J_old = old.I;

  return new IntPair(I_old, J_old);

 //access matrix area, top-left at position "out" for image with given width
 private static final class OutputMatrix {
  private final IntPtr out;
  private int outi;
  private final int outWidth;
  private final int n;
  private int nr;

  public OutputMatrix(
   final int scale,
   final int[] out,
   final int outWidth
  ) {
   this.n = (scale - 2) * (maxRots * maxScaleSq);
   this.out = new IntPtr(out);
   this.outWidth = outWidth;

  public void move(
   final int rotDeg,
   final int outi
  ) { = n + rotDeg * maxScaleSq;
   this.outi = outi;

  public final IntPtr ref(final int i, final int j) {
   final IntPair rot = matrixRotation[nr + i * maxScale + j];
   out.position(outi + rot.J + rot.I * outWidth);
   return out;

 private static final class IntPair {
  public final int I;
  public final int J;

  public IntPair(final int i, final int j) {
   I = i;
   J = j;

 private static final class IntPtr {
  private final int[] arr;
  private int ptr;

  public IntPtr(final int[] intArray) {
   this.arr = intArray;

  public final void position(final int position) {
   ptr = position;

  public final int get() {
   return arr[ptr];

  public final void set(final int val) {
   arr[ptr] = val;

 private interface Scaler {
  int scale();
  void blendLineSteep(int col, OutputMatrix out);
  void blendLineSteepAndShallow(int col, OutputMatrix out);
  void blendLineShallow(int col, OutputMatrix out);
  void blendLineDiagonal(int col, OutputMatrix out);
  void blendCorner(int col, OutputMatrix out); 

 private static final Scaler Scaler2x = new Scaler() {
  private static final int scale = 2;

  public int scale() {
   return scale;

  public final void blendLineShallow(int col, OutputMatrix out) {
   alphaBlend(1, 4, out.ref(scale - 1, 0), col);
   alphaBlend(3, 4, out.ref(scale - 1, 1), col);

  public final void blendLineSteep(int col, OutputMatrix out) {
   alphaBlend(1, 4, out.ref(0, scale - 1), col);
   alphaBlend(3, 4, out.ref(1, scale - 1), col);

  public final void blendLineSteepAndShallow(int col, OutputMatrix out) {
   alphaBlend(1, 4, out.ref(1, 0), col);
   alphaBlend(1, 4, out.ref(0, 1), col);
   alphaBlend(5, 6, out.ref(1, 1), col); //[!] fixes 7/8 used in xBR

  public final void blendLineDiagonal(int col, OutputMatrix out) {
   alphaBlend(1, 2, out.ref(1, 1), col);

  public final void blendCorner(int col, OutputMatrix out) {
   //model a round corner
   alphaBlend(21, 100, out.ref(1, 1), col); //exact: 1 - pi/4 = 0.2146018366

 private static final Scaler Scaler3x = new Scaler() {
  private static final int scale = 3;

  public int scale() {
   return scale;

  public final void blendLineShallow(int col, OutputMatrix out) {
   alphaBlend(1, 4, out.ref(scale - 1, 0), col);
   alphaBlend(1, 4, out.ref(scale - 2, 2), col);
   alphaBlend(3, 4, out.ref(scale - 1, 1), col);
   out.ref(scale - 1, 2).set(col);

  public final void blendLineSteep(int col, OutputMatrix out) {
   alphaBlend(1, 4, out.ref(0, scale - 1), col);
   alphaBlend(1, 4, out.ref(2, scale - 2), col);
   alphaBlend(3, 4, out.ref(1, scale - 1), col);
   out.ref(2, scale - 1).set(col);

  public final void blendLineSteepAndShallow(int col, OutputMatrix out) {
   alphaBlend(1, 4, out.ref(2, 0), col);
   alphaBlend(1, 4, out.ref(0, 2), col);
   alphaBlend(3, 4, out.ref(2, 1), col);
   alphaBlend(3, 4, out.ref(1, 2), col);

   out.ref(2, 2).set(col);

  public final void blendLineDiagonal(int col, OutputMatrix out) {
   alphaBlend(1, 8, out.ref(1, 2), col);
   alphaBlend(1, 8, out.ref(2, 1), col);
   alphaBlend(7, 8, out.ref(2, 2), col);

  public final void blendCorner(int col, OutputMatrix out) {
   //model a round corner
   alphaBlend(45, 100, out.ref(2, 2), col); //exact: 0.4545939598
   //alphaBlend(14, 1000, out.ref(2, 1), col); //0.01413008627 -> negligable
   //alphaBlend(14, 1000, out.ref(1, 2), col); //0.01413008627

 private static final Scaler Scaler4x = new Scaler() {
  private static final int scale = 4;

  public int scale() {
   return scale;

  public final void blendLineShallow(int col, OutputMatrix out) {
   alphaBlend(1, 4, out.ref(scale - 1, 0), col);
   alphaBlend(1, 4, out.ref(scale - 2, 2), col);
   alphaBlend(3, 4, out.ref(scale - 1, 1), col);
   alphaBlend(3, 4, out.ref(scale - 2, 3), col);
   out.ref(scale - 1, 2).set(col);
   out.ref(scale - 1, 3).set(col);

  public final void blendLineSteep(int col, OutputMatrix out) {
   alphaBlend(1, 4, out.ref(0, scale - 1), col);
   alphaBlend(1, 4, out.ref(2, scale - 2), col);
   alphaBlend(3, 4, out.ref(1, scale - 1), col);
   alphaBlend(3, 4, out.ref(3, scale - 2), col);
   out.ref(2, scale - 1).set(col);
   out.ref(3, scale - 1).set(col);

  public final void blendLineSteepAndShallow(int col, OutputMatrix out) {
   alphaBlend(3, 4, out.ref(3, 1), col);
   alphaBlend(3, 4, out.ref(1, 3), col);
   alphaBlend(1, 4, out.ref(3, 0), col);
   alphaBlend(1, 4, out.ref(0, 3), col);
   alphaBlend(1, 3, out.ref(2, 2), col); //[!] fixes 1/4 used in xBR
   out.ref(3, 3).set(col);
   out.ref(3, 2).set(col);
   out.ref(2, 3).set(col);

  public final void blendLineDiagonal(int col, OutputMatrix out) {
   alphaBlend(1, 2, out.ref(scale - 1, scale / 2), col);
   alphaBlend(1, 2, out.ref(scale - 2, scale / 2 + 1), col);
   out.ref(scale - 1, scale - 1).set(col);

  public final void blendCorner(int col, OutputMatrix out) {
   //model a round corner
   alphaBlend(68, 100, out.ref(3, 3), col); //exact: 0.6848532563
   alphaBlend(9, 100, out.ref(3, 2), col); //0.08677704501
   alphaBlend(9, 100, out.ref(2, 3), col); //0.08677704501

 private static final Scaler Scaler5x = new Scaler() {
  private static final int scale = 5;

  public int scale() {
   return scale;

  public final void blendLineShallow(int col, OutputMatrix out) {
   alphaBlend(1, 4, out.ref(scale - 1, 0), col);
   alphaBlend(1, 4, out.ref(scale - 2, 2), col);
   alphaBlend(1, 4, out.ref(scale - 3, 4), col);
   alphaBlend(3, 4, out.ref(scale - 1, 1), col);
   alphaBlend(3, 4, out.ref(scale - 2, 3), col);
   out.ref(scale - 1, 2).set(col);
   out.ref(scale - 1, 3).set(col);
   out.ref(scale - 1, 4).set(col);
   out.ref(scale - 2, 4).set(col);

  public final void blendLineSteep(int col, OutputMatrix out) {
   alphaBlend(1, 4, out.ref(0, scale - 1), col);
   alphaBlend(1, 4, out.ref(2, scale - 2), col);
   alphaBlend(1, 4, out.ref(4, scale - 3), col);
   alphaBlend(3, 4, out.ref(1, scale - 1), col);
   alphaBlend(3, 4, out.ref(3, scale - 2), col);
   out.ref(2, scale - 1).set(col);
   out.ref(3, scale - 1).set(col);
   out.ref(4, scale - 1).set(col);
   out.ref(4, scale - 2).set(col);

  public final void blendLineSteepAndShallow(int col, OutputMatrix out) {
   alphaBlend(1, 4, out.ref(0, scale - 1), col);
   alphaBlend(1, 4, out.ref(2, scale - 2), col);
   alphaBlend(3, 4, out.ref(1, scale - 1), col);
   alphaBlend(1, 4, out.ref(scale - 1, 0), col);
   alphaBlend(1, 4, out.ref(scale - 2, 2), col);
   alphaBlend(3, 4, out.ref(scale - 1, 1), col);
   out.ref(2, scale - 1).set(col);
   out.ref(3, scale - 1).set(col);
   out.ref(scale - 1, 2).set(col);
   out.ref(scale - 1, 3).set(col);
   out.ref(4, scale - 1).set(col);
   alphaBlend(2, 3, out.ref(3, 3), col);

  public final void blendLineDiagonal(int col, OutputMatrix out) {
   alphaBlend(1, 8, out.ref(scale - 1, scale / 2), col);
   alphaBlend(1, 8, out.ref(scale - 2, scale / 2 + 1), col);
   alphaBlend(1, 8, out.ref(scale - 3, scale / 2 + 2), col);
   alphaBlend(7, 8, out.ref(4, 3), col);
   alphaBlend(7, 8, out.ref(3, 4), col);
   out.ref(4, 4).set(col);

  public final void blendCorner(int col, OutputMatrix out) {
   //model a round corner
   alphaBlend(86, 100, out.ref(4, 4), col); //exact: 0.8631434088
   alphaBlend(23, 100, out.ref(4, 3), col); //0.2306749731
   alphaBlend(23, 100, out.ref(3, 4), col); //0.2306749731
   //alphaBlend(8, 1000, out.ref(4, 2), col); //0.008384061834 -> negligable
   //alphaBlend(8, 1000, out.ref(2, 4), col); //0.008384061834

To make use of the scaleImage() method you might need to use these functions:

public static final int[] fromBitmap(final Bitmap source) {
  final int width = source.getWidth();
  final int height = source.getHeight();
  final int[] target = new int[width * height];
  source.getPixels(target, 0, width, 0, 0, width, height);
  return target;

public static final Bitmap toBitmap(final int[] source, final int sourceWidth, final int sourceHeight) {
  final Bitmap target = Bitmap.createBitmap(source, sourceWidth, sourceHeight, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888);
  return target;


  1. It's a fantastic work! Just what I've been looking for!
    It's really easy to understand algorithm and source, then they're written in java

  2. Thank you for the kind words. I'm glad to have been of service. I wonder what your project is?

  3. Ever through going the JNI approach?
    P.S: Do you think that it can upscale an 160x240px image live with 9fps? Want to use it for a thermal viewer.

    1. JNI isn't necessary for my use case... a non-realtime Android game. As for your 9fps query: I doubt this is fast enough but of course it depends on the hardware.

  4. I work for Microsoft. I've converted the code to C#. However, I can't tell if it works or not. I'm getting array out of bounds exceptions. The main problem is, I can't convert an Image/Bitmap to an int[] properly. It is much more difficult than it should be. If someone can convert a Bitmap to an int[], and then back to a Bitmap again (Bitmap -> int[] -> Bitmap) successfully (comparing the images from image.Save before/after), then I should be able to get the C# code for xBRZ working.

    1. After thinking about the problem slightly differently, I realized how to turn a Bitmap into an int[] and back into a Bitmap. Marshal.Copy can both copy from and into a Bitmap. So, Bitmap1 had my old pixels. Bitmap2 has no pixels yet. Get pointer for Bitmap1 and copy the contents to an array. Get pointer for Bitmap2 and copy the array into Bitmap2. I tested it and it works. Let's see if I can make the converted code work now.

    2. Omg. I finally realized why it was having OoB errors. It isn't using int[]. It is using byte[]! The original code was obviously working with bytes, so it makes sense for the converted code to also be using bytes. Up until now, I was trying to convert everything to ints because I assumed with wanted 32-bit pixels. Unfortunately, my conversion did not work appropriately, but it did produce something. Getting there...

  5. Hi Michael, glad to hear your converting this and making progress. Please post a link to the final code in the comments here. Don't forget to read the license (see the link to SourceForge). As for the image color format, it's full ARGB (in BGRA char order), with the alpha channel unused. So each int is a pixel.

    1. I got it working. It'll be a bit before I upload it to GitHub. Right now, the code isn't even in a separate project, so I have cleanup work to do. I compared the image output from ScalerTest to this... I've noticed a few things.
      1. Many edges are more 'curved' in the converted code. I don't know if you noticed that in your Java output or not.
      2. ScalerTest outputs in a 24-bit format. From the original code, this would be ColorFormat.RGB (I'd assume). You can't set color format in the ScalerTest app.

    2. To me, the Java version seemed to have the same visual results as the C++ original. The edges are supposed to be a bit curved, although it also depends on the settings. Have you tried using different scaling sizes (4x, 5x, etc)? Also try different values in ScalerCfg. Actually I haven't worked on this for years, so I can't think of anything else to try. Maybe ask for help at the original SourceForge site...

    3. Well, he's changed the code since then. So, I'd assume some things have been tweaked a bit. I have not tried different sizes or ScalerCfg values.

      I've only done some very preliminary cleanup. But, you can find what I've got here:
      In general, it needs a lot of C# refactoring. Not sure if I want to continue putting that effort into it without actually trying to make the algorithm better.

    4. I looked at your C# conversion. It's very good, except I would change this:
      dstPtr.Set((int)(blend | 0xff000000));
      To this:
      dstPtr.Set(blend | unchecked((int)0xff000000));
      As for the quality of the output, I looked through all your sample pictures, comparing original low-res to 3x xBRZ high-res and I must say: the xBRZ upscaling looks awesome to me. Apart from two or three pixels in each image, I cannot imagine how it could possibly look better without a human artist's intervention, seriously!

    5. Awesome. Thanks for checking it out! I've made the change you mentioned. Also, if you're interested, I'm converting to C# too. It is a vectorizing algorithm. Logically, if you can make the algorithm work well enough, you can have infinitely scalable images! You can find the project here:

  6. Hi Chris,

    Thank you for this great implementation. I do however have a small problem and I'm hoping you can point me in the right direction.

    I want to try to use the code to resize a bufferedimage but I'm having some difficulties around the concept of converting from a 2D buffered image to a integer 1D array, int[]. Do you have any recommendations on how I could do this?

    1. Good point. I've just updated the post with a couple of functions at the end.

  7. In case anyone's interested, I have a Java 8 port of xBRZ 1.8 here:
